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The practice of making offerings is an important part of the Buddhist tradition and is what has enabled Buddhism to survive until this day.   Through making offerings we accumulate merit, expand our practice, and put in practice compassion for all beings. 

Offering for the Maintenance of the Gonpa

your kind offering can be made at any time!

You can collaborate with any amount monthly or make one-time donations, which enables Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling to maintain its activities. 

This way, as long as the Buddha's teachings are recited, heard and put into practice thanks to your support, you will be a part of our great aspiration to benefit all beings!


Butter lamp offerings

Butter lamps are offered in our daily practices

The butter lamps dispel the darkness of our ignorance, bringing forth clarity and wisdom. 

This type of offering can be made to remove your and/or other people’s obstacles as well as to light the way of the deceased.


You can offer as many butter lamps as you want and also for as many days as you wish. Remembering that, due to the limitation of our facilities, the offerings can be divided into subsequent days of practices.


Next, complete the form and send the payment receipt to the email:

You can make a  BUTTER LAMP OFFERING here
Contribution – R$ 1,50 each

Deposit information

Chagdud Gonpa Brasil CNPJ – 00.990.708/0004-80

Bank of Brazil • Agency  – 1518-0 • Checking Account–  13231-4


Send the receipt to this e-mail:

Your message has been sent successfully.

Tsog's Offerings

Butter lamps can always be offered whenever there is a Tsog practice in the temple.

Tsog is an elaborate ceremony found in Tibetan Buddhism that uses food and drink of all flavors as support for meditation and accumulation of merit. It is an effective practice for confessing failures and violation of our commitments, as well as creating conditions for the liberation of obstacles. You can offer it on your behalf or for someone who is experiencing difficulties, or in memory of deceased persons.

The merit generated by these practices creates auspicious circumstances.


Next, complete the form and send the payment receipt to the email:

Make your Tsog offering here
Contribuition – indefined

Deposit information

Chagdud Gonpa Brasil CNPJ – 00.990.708/0004-80

Bank of Brazil • Agency  – 1518-0 • Checking Account–  13231-4


Send the receipt to this e-mail:

Your message has been sent successfully.

Would you like to make an offering to help with the construction of the temple?

Offerings can be made at any time.

Participating in the construction of a Temple is a unique opportunity, the merits expand as long as virtue is practiced and cultivated in this sacred space.  If you want to make a donation, send us an email and we'll be happy to give you all the guidelines.


Inquiry about International Donations?
Write to:


Do not overlook even the smallest of good deeds,  believing that they won"t make a difference.  Remember that water droplets, one by one, over time, can fill a giant pot.​



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